I proposed four similar designs all hinging off a or many aspects of my character, Rylee Tippin’s, life. Due to my Rylee’s current status in life, being split between to personalities, juggling a new girlfriend, and filing death certificates all day, my designs developed a sense of repetition, mirroring, and backbone. The designs essentially resemble events that are at present, question being if they have an effect, change or hinder Rylee through interaction.
All the designs incorporate what I have called, a ’backbone’ or ‘spine’. This was a decision made to provide a starting point for each of the designs, also Rylee seems grounded and in control, but it’s what happens when that control is lost. The ‘backbone’ is used in various ways throughout the designs, it divides good and bad, offers a place of familiarity, explains a journey of events and memories, and portrays a loss of control.
As the reflection towers relay Rylee's image out into the public he has to be mindful of his actions and reactions. If he is not careful his dark secret will be revealed to all.
D E S I G N 1
Design 1 evolved around the 50/50 personality split. The projection to the tower occurs in the center of the two 'attitudes'. The 'pods' are the 12 units, each unique to the next. The 'pods' symbolise repetition in Rylee's life with his work. As Rylee developed his bad habit by force of needing to survive and keep his job, the building resembles this. The 'pods' are like a life force surviving of the 'backbone'. Destroy the backbone, destroy it all.
D E S I G N 2
Design 2 focuses on the units, resembling a memory from early childhood and evolving into choices made at present, portraying intervals of Rylee's life. The 'backbone' represents Rylee's life itself, as the memories/events hinge off it. Unit 7 is the entrance to this design. This was done so that Rylee cannot escape his reflection, therefore, he is updated with his life status everyday/night. Will it provoke change??? Or further eradicate current???
Design 3 took the approach of a severed 'backbone', again showing choices and change in Rylee's life. At the break the path is split into two one continuing as usual, the other burrowing into the ground. The units are expressed in repetitions, again relating to work. Unit 7 is Rylee's first point of entrance from his nightly expeditions, constantly reminding him of his flaws. Are these constant reminders creating and adverse effect??? At least a choice of path is present.
D E S I G N 4
Design 4 centralises the 'backbone' and incorporates two 'attitudes' making up the units. The units intersect and correlate together despite there differences. The 'backbone' acts as the liberation between the two. All circulation throughout the building is passed through unit 7, again confrounting Rylee with his status.
Nice work brother!
Oh my is that green I see?
Nice work Vektor.... as usual ;)
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